Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Daddy's Home and Rylie is TWO!!

When people told me our lives would never be the same when Chris started working for the railroad, I wasn't sure what they meant. But let me tell you, it has been quite a ride so far... but I hope this change will be the most long-lasting so far! From Trinidad, Colorado one week, back home to Phoenix the next! Chris was able to snag a spot here and decided to take it while he could, which we could not be more happy about (except for the two days of road trip and packing up an apartment into one pickup!) We are hoping that once he gets "familiarized" with the tracks here in Phoenix that he will be able to work out of Winslow, AZ (about three hours away) and come home a couple times a week. We are just happy that he is closer and we get to see him more! And I'm also glad to not be packing up my entire house just yet...

In other news, Tracy is about to pop out Mr. Chase Ryan any day now!! (Sooner rather than later we all hope!) Her official due date is June 15th, we were hoping maybe her little one would share Rylie's birthday, but no such luck! ;) She's been such a trooper, but is getting sick and tired of being pregnant, and we all want to meet the little man very badly!

Miss Rylie turned two this week!! It sorta snuck up on us in the midst of Chris moving back home and starting work here, but we had a pretty fabulous day/weekend! A couple of days before, she received her first presents from Nana Brock and Grandaddy, a cute new baby doll and monkey towel! I love that she is practicing feeding and holding her (just in time for little Chase!) On her birthday, she woke up to a big box of what else -- "Olivia" books!! She was super excited about that as you can tell. We spread out the presents and surprises throughout the day (I learned my lesson from this past Christmas...) and she was excited again about all of her new outfits and more "Olivia" stuff! We concluded with a wonderful evening out on our "new" deck, that we are finally being able to use thanks to Nana Lene and Grandpa Todd for paying for deck railing! We love it out here, and it's especially nice because it's shaded right at the best time in the evening for some outside play!

And on another note, we want to again thank my Dad and Jeanette and Aunt Denise and Jo for taking in our cats for us and providing them good homes full of love. It was a very hard decision to decide to give them up, but in the end it's what our family needed to retain sanity (mostly my sanity from dealing with FIVE animals and a toddler) and also make moving/being away from home a little easier on everyone involved. We are happy too that we will be able to visit them and get updates from you all, which you have been fabulous about doing for us! I leave you with the last photos of Cleo and Gracie here at home, we are glad they are doing well in their new homes and hope that they continue to become acclimated :)


  1. We gave our cats up too :~(. It was for the best though. For a while I was stalking the adoption place we adopted them out to and I would cry. I actually called and said I wanted them back in a message. We decided to not do that though. It was the hardest thing.

  2. I meant stalk their profile pages, the cats. LOL that made it sound like I was driving by everyday.

  3. LOL, I gotcha! I know, it was really hard :( I still think about them a lot, but so much easier (and I still have THREE dogs to deal with lol). At least I get updates on my cats, that would have been even harder to take them to an adoption place!! :(
